The police intervened in a Toulouse apartment for a brawl. Drawing. - Isa Harsin / Sipa

The police of the anti-crime brigade (BAC) intervened in an apartment in the Saint-Michel district in Toulouse, Saturday morning around 2:30 am Not for non-compliance with the confinement rules, but because the evening, which brought together four people against the background of alcohol and cocaine consumption, went very badly for one of the participants.

This 52-year-old man had to be hospitalized with a dozen wounds, especially in the chest and legs, caused by a knife. If his life was not in danger, he was prescribed ten days of temporary incapacity for work (ITT).

The reasons for the attack remain unclear

The 41-year-old assault suspect allegedly tried to strike the victim with an iron bar and brass knuckles for unclear reasons. The forty-something man was in possession of a few grams of cocaine, as well as jewelry, the origin of which he could not justify to the investigators.

He was arrested and taken into custody for drunk gun violence resulting in an ITT of more than eight days, and detention of drugs.


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  • Alcohol
  • News
  • Toulouse
  • Cocaine