
Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who is late for the US presidential Democrats, joins the debate. Polls came in second in surprise, and intensive checks by other candidates began.

This is correspondent Kim Soo-hyung from Washington.


With 73 trillion won in total wealth, former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, the world's 12th billionaire, is lavishly voting for elections.

In a recent poll conducted by NPR and PBS, it was the second largest candidate among Democratic candidates with a 19% approval rate.

Sanders was ranked # 1 with 31% support, but he is holding back Bloomberg's rise.

[Sanders / Democratic presidential candidate: Michael Bloomberg, like everyone else, has the right to be a candidate, but not the money to buy a president. ]

Biden took third place with a 15% approval rating, but his support rate is down.

Bootigi, who took first place in the Iowa primary, was sixth with an approval rate of 8%.

Bloomberg has been qualified to participate in the Democratic Party debate starting tomorrow (20th) due to a recent increase in ratings.

When he was a mayor in New York City, he apologized for the racist controversy and opted for a frontier.

[Bloomberg / Democratic presidential candidate: I've been advocating for a long time. I did not understand that the policy could inadvertently hurt young blacks and Latinos.]

Bloomberg will compete in the Democratic Party nominations starting on Super Tuesday next month when the nationwide primary is held.