It was on Saturday, February 15, that the murder took place in the Skäggetorp district of Linköping. Perpetrators must have fired shots at an apartment door, where an elderly woman is written. A 21-year-old man was hit by the shots and later died from his injuries.

- We continue to hear testimonies and map the plaintiff, something we always do in case of serious crimes. We are still conducting a technical investigation at the crime scene, says Daniel Axelsson, preliminary investigator at the police.

The murdered man has previously been punished and worked in municipal operations in Linköping.

Is he an innocent victim?

- It is part of our tasks to find out as much as possible about the target owner and who it is and see if there is a reason why this may have happened, says Daniel Axelsson.

The police earlier went out with information that the time for the crime was around 20.30.

- We want to be clear that the crime time is moving shortly after eight o'clock. We are interested in observations before and after just after eight. It is important that those who have made observations contact us, says Daniel Axelsson.

See more in the clip above.