Onions are used all over the world, and it is known that anyone who chop it will shed tears, what is the reason?

In her report published by the National Journal of America, writer Menda Duftry said that the onion caused crying while being chopped is caused by the onion secreting an irritating chemical, making you feel pain at the level of your eyes.

The writer mentioned that onions often consist of water, in addition to some vitamins and sugar compounds, and it also contains compounds consisting of sulfur, which is a natural chemical substance found in many substances with an unpleasant smell, such as garlic.

In this way, plants defend themselves by producing substances that repel organisms that they may try to eat, but for some other plants they may form thorns, broad leaves, or distinct cells to become difficult to chew.

Onions also contain propyl sulfoxide, which spreads in the air when we chop onions, that is, when the onions come into contact with moisture, such as water vapor in the air or the natural moisture surrounding the eyes, and then turn into sulfuric acid.

Sulfuric acid has a strong smell and irritates the eyes, so eyes make tears to wash off.

The author explained that there are some tricks to avoid experiencing the "emotional" onion experience. The next time you prepare to chop onions, start by cutting down a little of its root, which contains many small roots suspended in its tip, which may facilitate the exit of most harmful sulfur compounds present in the root. Next, you can remove, peel and chop the tip of the onion, thereby shedding less tears.

The writer emphasized that some people cook onions for thirty minutes before cutting them, which may help the sulfur compounds not to spread and dissolve in the air easily when the onions become cold.

It is mentioned that onions add a delicious flavor to many of our favorite foods. It contains dietary fiber and vitamin C, which is free of fats and cholesterol. It is also low in calories and can be eaten in many forms, such as dry dry onions and green onions.

One of the most important benefits of onions is that it represents an almost calorie-free, sodium-flavored flavor. Studies have revealed that onions reduce the risk of various types of cancer.