
26 November 2017Is Bolzano the Italian province where people live better, closely followed by Trento. Vita Vita, on the other hand, is on the opposite side of the boot: Trapani is the rear light. The ranking of ItaliaOggi for quality of life also gives a strong rise in Rome, which is a leap of 21 places, going from 88th step of 2016 to 67th of this year.

The survey - which will be published in full in the newspaper tomorrow on newsstands - was carried out by the Department of Economic Statistics of the La Sapienza University of Rome, with the support of Cattolica Assicurazioni. To bring out the quality of life nine indicators were taken into consideration: business and work, environment, crime, social and personal hardship, population, financial and school services, health system, leisure time, standard of living.

It is the Northeast to monopolize the top positions: after Bolzano and Trento there are in fact Belluno and Vicenza; Treviso is sixth, Pordenone ninth and Udine tenth. While Potenza (44 / a) is the first province in the South. Milan is stable in 57th place.

Among the metropolitan cities, Florence stands at 37th place, with an increase of 11 steps compared to the previous survey. Bologna is 43 / a (+4), Turin 77 / a (-7), Palermo 106 / a (-2).

Calabria and Sicily are both totally connoted by an unsatisfactory quality of life. While it is acceptable - the only region of the South - in Basilicata, where also the other province, Matera, is in the middle of the ranking (51 / a).

A contrasting picture, instead, for Sardinia, where an unsatisfactory quality of life for Cagliari, Medio Campidano and Carbonia-Iglesias is counterbalanced by an acceptable quality in Ogliastra, Nuoro and Olbia-Tempio.

About 58% of the Italian population (compared to 53.3% last year), equal to 35 million 161 thousand residents (they were 32 million 732 thousand in 2016), lives in provinces characterized by a poor or insufficient quality of life.

In particular, the Northwest is worsening, having 8 provinces where people do not live well, probably the result of de-industrialization and productive restructuring processes that have involved the territory in recent years.

The rankings indicate in general "minor" provinces characterized by a remarkable dynamism and favorable economic conditions as opposed to increasingly static metropolitan contexts and no longer able to guarantee acceptable conditions for their residents.

As for the net improvement recorded in Rome, ItaliaOggi calls for caution, speaking of "contingent result, strongly conditioned by the close ties with the international economic situation, for which it is risky to deduce a stable improvement in the quality of life for the residents of the Capital".