Chile Students turn into a mob because of opposition to raise prices on the subway Declaration of emergency in the capital October 19 18:30

Next month, the APEC summit will be held in Santiago, the capital of Chile, South America, and some of the students who oppose the price hikes of the subway will become riots such as the fire at the station. This is a situation.

In South America, Chile, this month, the government raised prices for subways and some buses to stop financial deterioration.

In protest, residents were continuing demonstrations in the capital Santiago, but the government did not show its intention to withdraw, and on the 18th, some groups centered on students fired on the subway station premises. And became a mob such as destroying the store in the center.

Following the worsening of the situation, President Pinella declared a state of emergency in Santiago on the night of the 18th, mobilized the army, restricted movement in the city, and was cracking down on rioted students.

In Santiago, the APEC Summit will be held in the middle of next month. The international conference will continue in the future, so the government seems to have taken early action.

In South America, in Ecuador this month, the residents who opposed the increase in utility bills became riots, and a temporary emergency was declared, and the political situation remained unstable.