Prime Minister meets with Iran's foreign minister Continuing diplomatic efforts to relieve tension 15:04 on August 28

Over the tension in Iran, Prime Minister Abe meets with Iran's foreign minister Zaref who is visiting Japan, and Japan will continue its persistent diplomatic efforts to alleviate tension and stabilize the situation in the Middle East. I conveyed my thoughts.

In the afternoon of the 28th, Prime Minister Abe met with Iran's Foreign Minister Zaleaf in the afternoon of 28th, while tension between the US and Iran increased.

At the beginning, Prime Minister Abe, after touching Iran's visit in June, said, “The supreme leader, Hamenei, did not make nuclear weapons and did not own it. , Japan will persevere and continue its diplomatic efforts to stabilize the situation. "

On the other hand, Foreign Minister Zaleaf said, “We welcome the role of the Japanese government in alleviating tensions in the Middle East. We never want to increase tensions. Under international law, every country has its own right. I should enjoy it. "

The details of the talks are not yet clear, but Prime Minister Abe expressed concern that Iran is ready to strengthen uranium enrichment activities in early next month and is limited by nuclear agreements. It appears to have encouraged adherence to the uranium enrichment level.

Foreign Minister Theleaf “The American side is responsible for the tension”

After meeting with Prime Minister Abe, Iran ’s foreign minister Zaryf responded to NHK ’s interview: “It ’s hard to keep the region safe while the US puts an economic war on Iran. “If you stop, the region will naturally stabilize,” he reiterated that the current responsibility for tension is on the US side, leaving the venue behind.