When your thoughts circle and you think about killing yourself, try talking to other people about it. They may or may not be friends or relatives. It can be hard for you to talk about people who are close to you about this topic.

There are a variety of help offers , where you can talk to other people - even anonymously - about your thoughts. This can be done by phone , in chat , by mail or in person . We introduce you to the most important.


Telephone counseling is anonymous, free and accessible around the clock. The telephone numbers are 0 800/111 0 111 and 0 800/111 0 222 .

The call at the telephone counseling is not only free, he also does not appear on the phone bill , as well as in the itemized bill .

Muslim pastoral telephone

The Muslim pastoral telephone can be reached 24 hours a day at 030/44 35 09 821.

Help in chat

Also from the Telefonseelsorge comes the offer of a help chat. Registration takes place on the website of Telefonseelsorge.

The chat room can also be entered without an appointment, with a little luck, a consultant is free. In any case, it works with a booked appointment.

Help by e-mail

The third offer of telephone counseling is the possibility of e-mail consultation. On the page of Telephone Pastoral Care, you can log in and write your messages and read the advisors' answers. So the e-mail traffic does not appear in your regular mailboxes.

Help in personal conversation

If you want to talk personally to another person about your thoughts, it does not necessarily have to be a doctor or psychologist . Of course you can contact psychiatrists , psychiatric clinics or even hospitals . However, you can also turn to a pastor, imam, rabbi, or other trusted person if you are shy of going to a psychiatrist or therapist.

Doctors, like psychologists, are subject to secrecy . For pastors, in addition to the confessional secrecy, pastoral secrecy applies, according to which a pastor's trust is considered confidential.

Nationwide, there are a variety of counseling centers for people with suicidal thoughts. An overview gives the page of the German Society for Suicide Prevention.