In the end it was a family drama. The investigators in the Munich "crime scene" spoke with snotty Digital Natives, tried to enter into dialogue with a purring Chatbot and let themselves be introduced to the world of artificial intelligence - miscommunication included. But the connections of man and machine were then not so profound as the thriller wanted to suggest: guilty of the death of the 14-year-olds was the mother who had alienated after divorce from pubescent child.

In our review, we wrote: "The actual stylish look can not hide the fact that the plot is much less complex than would be appropriate for the supposedly highly complex computer program." We gave 5 out of 10 points. How would you rate the "crime scene"?

In December, the Munich "Tatort" then deals in another episode - title: "We'll get you all" - with the risks of the digitized world, and against a Christmas background. Batic and Leitmayr must investigate a case in which the parents of a little girl were brutally murdered in their own, highly secure single-family paradise. Involved is also a smart doll with ambitious software. New digital technologies remain a dangerous thing in the Munich crime scene.