Europe 1 12:10 p.m., April 6, 2024

Every week, a chef comes to cook at La table des Bons vivants. This week, it's the chef of the restaurant Oui mon général! in Paris, Stéphane Reynaud, who comes to cook the dish of the day. It’s a stew of pig cheeks.

Laurent Mariotte receives a guest every week. Today, it’s comedian Christophe Alévêque. He is currently on tour for his show: “Old Fool, What’s Next?”. He talks about how the table is an extremely important moment for him. This week, it's Stéphane Reynaud, head of the cult address “Oui mon général”, in Paris. It is he who treats the table of bon vivants with a stew of pig cheeks. A dish that requires very little preparation but a lot of cooking. You can find the recipe on