Cristina Galafate

Updated Thursday, April 4, 2024-02:12

  • 'No Sex' the explosive documentary about abstinence: "We've already had sex with some couples and we really don't like it"

  • World Happiness Report Why are young people less happy than older people?

We have only 10 minutes to catch the actor

Rainn Wilson

(Seattle, Washington, United States, January 20, 1966) by videoconference and find out the most interesting thing about his experience traveling through the

happiest countries in the world

for television.

The largest producer and distributor of paid thematic channels in Spain and Portugal, AMC Networks International Southern Europe, has had the star of

The Office

to embody the

New York Times



The Geography of Happiness: The Search for the Most happy in the world for a grump', by Eric Weiner. Throughout five on-demand episodes, this documentary explores

what it is like to live in the most joyful societies


Rainn Wilson and the geography of happiness,

which is broadcast on ¡BUENVIAJE!, available with Movistar Plus+, explores the

"science of satisfaction"

in different cultures that have nothing to do with each other. From remote Iceland to bright Ghana. And the curious thing is that this exploration is carried out by a performer who has gone through depression or has played a role that is not at all empathetic. “I guess they contacted me because of my own journey with mental health,” she explains.


Rainn Wilson seeks to understand the nature of happiness through habits and behaviors. Still from ¡BENVIAJE!

What do the happiest countries in the world have in common? Without a doubt,


through a connection network, says Wilson. "Everywhere I went there were families, groups or tribes coming together to show affection, and it was really enlightening how universal that is." But the actor expands this concept of support in people close to him due to ties of blood, affinity or similarity. "It goes far beyond politics or that more immediate friendship network because it includes a diverse community." He gives the example of Ghana, the African country that has captivated him the most on the list visited. "Its inhabitants are

friendly and optimistic

about the future. They radiate light. They love each other very much," he describes.

According to the World Happiness Report, Accra, the capital, is the fourth most optimistic place on the planet. Here, Rainn Wilson explores how boxing, fishing, farming and burying the dead in

special coffins

relate to joy. "They do not have as sad a conception of death as in the West, although of course they grieve the loss of loved ones, but funerals are a way of celebrating their lives." He relates that he knew a guy who made coffins shaped like a shoe for a shoemaker or a taxi for a driver. "He captures the person's interests and what he has contributed to society," he says.


The actor, known for playing Dwight Schrute in 'The Office'. Still from ¡BENVIAJE!

Wilson returns marked by how human beings are capable of finding well-being in everything that surrounds them. "I was struck by a common practice in Thailand, where birthdays are not celebrated by giving you gifts, a cake and entertaining you, but

by doing something for others

," he recalls. Thus, on the day that the birth is commemorated, one way to remember who you really are is to support those who do not have as many resources as you, he says. "Hearing this story made me think that we could change our birthdays in the world for days of service. It's something I will never forget," he says.

Regarding the practices that bring the most happiness, it is clear that the trendy sport is


fun and very easy to learn and play. "Rackets are also used, like in tennis, but much closer to the partner. It is closely related to mental health and socialization, so I recommend it to Spaniards," he says, laughing.


In Thailand, he says, birthdays are celebrated by helping others, instead of with gifts and cake. Still from BENVIAJE!


meditates every morning

and makes a daily gratitude list. "It's my spiritual practice." He does not believe in a magic formula for happiness, much less in the combination of fame and fortune. But yes in the importance of personal growth. "Too many times we live settled in the side effects of dissatisfaction and what is not going well for us."

He believes that the "path of self-discovery is more interesting in contemporary culture than partying and debauchery", to which we have traditionally given more importance. "With this I'm not saying that you shouldn't have a good time, and it's great to relieve stress and relax," he clarifies, but that's not the key. "

Long-term well-being

is something deeper," she concludes.