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Video duration 04 minutes 54 seconds 04:54

The Israeli media highlighted the issue of prisoners in the Gaza Strip, and monitored the escalation of protests by the families of the prisoners and the police’s attacks on them. They also criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s procrastination in concluding an exchange deal that would save the lives of the detainees, and accused him of working only to save his personal political future.

Channel 13's political affairs correspondent, Moria Asrif Wolberg, said that Mossad chief Dadi Barnea said that in order to reach a deal, Israel must show flexibility in everything related to the return of the Gazan population to the northern Gaza Strip, and that only by doing so can 40 prisoners be returned within the framework of the humanitarian deal.

The channel reported the police’s assault on the families of the prisoners during their protests, and their angry speech, including the words of a relative of one of the prisoners, “We will burn the state and we will say that we are tired and we will not be satisfied with standing in the marches here and crying and begging.”

While another woman with the prisoners’ families said, “We realized that Netanyahu, at the next opportunity, and when he is able, will put the stick in the wheel of negotiations again. This is his consistent approach in order to thwart the deal.” Another asked, “What is the meaning of the Knesset going on vacation without paying attention?” “No one cares, but we will prove that the people of Israel care.”

In this context, Channel 12 quoted the head of the “There is a Future” party and leader of the opposition in the Knesset, Yair Lapid, as saying, “These people (the prisoners and their families) have been abandoned by the Israeli government... We have become convinced that this government will not reform the budget and the conscription system, will not return the kidnapped people, and we will not win the war.” Because the world and the people of Israel will not be with us.”

Channel 11 quoted the father of one of the captured soldiers in Gaza as saying, “When I asked Netanyahu what the government could offer to release my son, he started telling us stories about his participation in the hostage release operation... I did not bother to travel to Jerusalem to hear his stories.” "He is just looking for his personal salvation."

Likewise, a relative of one of the prisoners said, “You, Netanyahu, and you, the creators of the crazy conspiracy... I accuse you of treason and violating the sacred covenant of preserving the security of the residents of the Gaza Strip, ruining the economy, ruining internal security, and diminishing the state’s standing in the world. We, the people, will hold you accountable.”

Source: Al Jazeera