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Video duration 50 minutes 38 seconds 50:38

The Islamic thinker, Professor Abu Zaid Al-Muqri Al-Idrisi, in his interview with the “Sharia and Life in Ramadan” program, says that the head of hypocrisy in the modern era is the West, which promotes the concepts of human rights and does not implement them, which is clearly evident in its dealings with the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip.

In the second part, the Idrisi reciter continued to talk about the characteristics of hypocrites and their destructive role in Muslim society, from the era of prophecy until the present era.

He mentions that before the state of extreme weakness that the Islamic nation reached under colonialism, the Taifa kings had abandoned fighting the Crusaders and fought each other, which led to the loss of Andalusia. In this context, he says that a great hypocrite called Abu al-Qasim al-Gharnati played a role in the fall of Andalusia.

This hypocrite - who served as a minister and advisor to Abu Abdullah al-Saghir, the last Taifa king in Andalusia - was cooperating with Queen Isabella, her husband, and their entourage.

In the modern era, the guest of the episode (3/30/2024) of the program “Sharia and Life in Ramadan” points out that the direct cause of direct colonialism is the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the removal of Sultan Abdul Hamid II, saying that the latter was plagued by a large number of hypocrites who surrounded him. Among them are his chief of staff, his son-in-law, and his Minister of Intelligence.

The role of colonialism

With the advent of colonialism in Islamic countries, a legion of hypocrites, including traitors, spies, and agents, cooperated with the colonizer and helped him to overthrow the positions of Muslims and their projects. As the Islamic thinker continues, successive generations of hypocrites have used methods to weaken Muslims, namely, infiltrating positions of action and influence and adopting a group of coups. They were called revolutions, and the application of ferocious and brutal secularism.

He says that Western hypocrisy creates the fifth column and makes it ruler of the nation in Islamic countries.

In the post-colonial period, intellectuals, academics, artists, and media professionals continued to distort the image of the nation and distort its history, for example, establishing centers that created anti-Islam allegiances in Islamic societies.

Social media also contributed to legitimizing hypocrisy and expanding its scope, and human models emerged that used aspects of Islam to deceive simple people.

What is more dangerous - as the Islamic thinker explains - is that electronic flies directed by institutions and bodies are used to stir up strife within Islamic societies, and to divert people’s attention from core issues to secondary matters. This is happening during the Gaza war, where, for example, rumors about Palestinian resistance men are promoted using intelligence. Artificial.

Regarding the role of scholars and reformers in isolating and besieging hypocrites, he confirms that they are like an island in a sea of ​​choppy waves, and that what makes him not optimistic is the presence of an institute for Islamic and Arab studies in Tel Aviv, “the Institute for Graduation of Preachers,” under the supervision of the Israeli intelligence service (Mossad), and specializing in graduating Preachers, preachers and scholars.

Source: Al Jazeera