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Weather forecasting marmot

Photo: Barry Reeger/dpa

Punxsutawney Phil, probably the most famous groundhog in the world, has become a father. As the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club announced on Facebook, female Phyllis recently gave birth to two babies.

"We are pleased to announce that Phil and Phyllis have welcomed two healthy babies," the entry reads. Club members discovered the little ones on Saturday when they wanted to feed their parents. The gender and names of the two babies were not revealed.

On Thursday, the club shared the first photos from the enclosure on Facebook.

For Groundhog Day, which is always celebrated on February 2nd in North America, marmots in more than 25 US states are brought out of their hibernation at dawn and held up to the light. Depending on what happens then, it is determined how long the winter will last. According to legend, if the rodent sees its shadow, there will be freezing winter weather for another six weeks. When it is cloudy and there is no shadow, the beginning of spring is near. The custom has existed since 1887.

The custom became known far beyond the borders of the USA through the comedy “Groundhog Day” from 1993, starring Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell. It takes place in the town of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania.

Eight weeks ago Phil had announced that winter would soon end.
