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Olivia Colman: Women also attract attention at the box office

Photo: Gareth Cattermole / Getty Images

"I'm sure I would earn a hell of a lot more money if my name was Oliver Colman." With these words, actress Oliva Colman got off her chest about her frustration about the unequal pay between women and men in Hollywood.

During an interview on CNN, she spoke about the gender pay gap that exists in her industry. It used to be said that male stars got more money because they attracted more audiences to the box office. But this theory has long since been refuted.

Colman, 50, is considered one of the most sought-after and highly decorated actresses of today. She received the Oscar for Best Actress for her performance in Giorgos Lanthimos' arthouse horror film "The Favourite". She was also honored as Best Actress at the Golden Globes Awards for her role in the Netflix series “The Crown”.

Before Colman, several other stars have already raised the issue of unequal pay in the film industry. Jennifer Lawrence, for example, already made this statement in 2015 when she became a star through the blockbuster series “The Hunger Games.” She pointed out that women do not demand enough in salary negotiations because they are afraid of being seen as ungrateful and difficult.
