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Video duration 02 minutes 57 seconds 02:57

As part of their ongoing coverage of the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip, newspapers and media websites focused in reports and investigations on the human tragedy experienced by the residents of the Gaza Strip and on the suffering of Palestinians in the West Bank and inside the occupation prisons.

The New York Times reported that every destroyed building in Gaza is a mass grave of bodies trapped under its rubble, and that in the absence of organized and effective relief work, families and rescue workers continue to search for missing friends and relatives amid tons of rubble using primitive tools and empty hands.

The newspaper adds that the Ministry of Health in Gaza said last November that the number of missing persons was approximately 7,000, but thousands more have been added to them since that date.

On the Intercept website, activist Ahmed Khan wrote about his previous participation in relief operations and shipping humanitarian aid in Rwanda, Afghanistan and Ukraine, and said that they differ from what is happening in Gaza.

Khan - an American businessman and politician close to the Democratic Party - described the situation in Gaza as tragic, expressing his conviction that US President Joe Biden has great responsibility for what is happening in the Strip.

As for the newspaper "Haaretz", in an investigation, it shed light on the suffering of Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons through the testimony of administrative prisoner Munther Amira, who was recently released, and who spoke about what he lived in Ofer Prison during the war on Gaza.

The Palestinian prisoner touched on "violent treatment, horrific overcrowding, cold and barren cells, shackles around the clock, and other methods of humiliation in Guantanamo Israel."

In The Guardian, Arwa Mahdawi said, “While the world’s eyes turn to Gaza, Israel continues to kill in the West Bank, targeting children as well.” She referred to Rami Al-Halhouli (12 years old), who was assassinated by the Israeli police while trying to light fireworks to celebrate the coming of Ramadan.

The author says that the residents of the West Bank suffer from double violence: settler violence and security apparatus violence.

As for the newspaper "Yedioth Ahronoth", it focused on the decision of the Canadian authorities to ban the export of weapons to the Israeli army, and said that Israel fears that the decision will open the appetite of other countries to issue similar decisions.

Source: Al Jazeera