Gema García Marcos

Updated Wednesday, March 20, 2024-14:07

  • Lose weight What is berberine, the natural alternative without rebound effect to Ozempic

  • Health Why is the subject that most contributes to improving the health and academic performance of our children ignored?

It is called SLU-PP-332 and it is a synthetic compound that, by the way,

is for sale on the Internet

(prices range between 70 and 300 euros depending on the milligrams contained in the bottle) under the suggestive name of

'metabolic accelerator'

and whose list of promises could not be more seductive: it helps you

lose weight


eliminates fat, increases muscle mass

and (be careful, here comes the crux of the matter)

'imitates' the benefits obtained through sports practice

, as is as demonstrated in research published in October of last year.

Although the aforementioned study was carried out with mice, the idea that there is a

pill to avoid going to the gym

seems to be as extraordinarily attractive as the idea that there is

a drug that allows us to eat everything and not gain weight

(even if what we eat destroys us). health, but that is another story).

The topic, like everything, has multiple nuances. Because, obviously, no one is aware that this 'miracle' pill, like ozempic and the like,

would have extraordinary value in specific cases of populations with special needs

(physical limitations, serious injuries, heart failure, etc.).

However, trying to

remedy our lack of physical activity with a single shot

, just as we do with our

lack of sleep

and the

gaps in our diet

, tells us a lot about the path we are traveling as a society.

It tells us that

we are screwing it up

(the gerund used here is much more forceful, but it would be somewhat ordinary) by doing something that should be instilled in us from a young age: the adoption of

healthy habits


Because, just as since we are children we are taught to brush our teeth after each meal, to shower or to wash our hands when we return from the street, we should internalize that

physical activity should be part of our hygiene routines (physical and mental) daily


Because, instead of being conceived as 'a maria' to be cut back for the benefit of other subjects,

Physical Education should be a core subject to be taught daily

, because knowing, caring for and enhancing our body according to its needs is something that we all need. know, regardless of the professions we have when we reach adulthood. And not only for that. If not because it is more than proven that exercising

improves academic performance

by enhancing the ability to concentrate and mental clarity.

And it also tells us a lot about the

black legend

that surrounds sports practice even today. That "sport is tiring", "sport makes you sweat", "sport is boring" or "sport has to be done because there is no other option, because it is a horror".

Because, beyond the 'epic' and the effort that each person wants to give to their sports practice, exercising does not always have to be

a heroic act in which we give our

all in search of an 'impossible is nothing' . It is not necessary to do an 'ironman'. Not even under 40 minutes in a 10k. Nor do 1,000 sit-ups every morning. Nor gain weight until we tear our biceps. Nor do you leave each session exhausted. And, of course, running is not the only option to stay in shape either. Everyone is free to choose the option that best suits their needs or concerns.

Exercising, at least from a health perspective, is a

ball of oxygen for the body, mind and soul

. It means dedicating half an hour, 45 minutes or whatever we have, to taking care of ourselves. It is reserving a fixed space in our agenda to

pamper our muscles and joints

. But also to listen to the music we like or to

chat with our gym mates

about the divine and the human. Because sport is also that: a social act that

comforts us, helps us escape, let go of 'ballast'

and face whatever comes next

doped up to the brim with endorphins


Because the real magic pill is not SLU-PP-332, but doing sports. And the day we internalize that, we will do much better.