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International newspapers and news sites focused on the repercussions of the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip, stressed the necessity of the fall of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and called on US President Joe Biden to stop supplying weapons to Israel.

The Israeli newspaper "Haaretz" said in its editorial that "Netanyahu's government must fall in order for Israel to survive."

She added, "Israeli democracy is being emptied of its content, the government is losing touch with reality, and the world is losing patience. The only way to correct the course is to intensify the protests in Israel on a large scale, demand the return of the hostages (prisoners), end the war in Gaza, and hold early elections."

But its counterpart, The Jerusalem Post, published a statement by Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer, ahead of his visit to Washington next week, in which he said that the army would carry out the attack on Rafah even if the whole world opposed it and an international isolation was imposed on Israel.

Criticism of Biden

For its part, the American magazine "Newsweek" published an article by Middle East affairs expert Khoury Peterson Smith, in which he said that President Biden's speech has improved regarding Gaza, but his actions do not appear to be the same.

The writer added that the president must stop supplying weapons to Israel if he is serious about saving Palestinian lives, "and anything less makes him look bad during the election campaign."

The Chinese newspaper "China Daily" said in its editorial that the United States is the only party capable of preventing Israel from launching an attack on Rafah.

According to the newspaper, Washington is responsible for the situation today because it repeatedly used its veto power against UN Security Council resolutions regarding Gaza, and it was the main supplier of weapons to Israel.

Horrific famine

The British newspaper The Guardian published an article by Alex de Waal, in which he said that Gaza is on the verge of a famine, the worst since World War II.

He added that the health crisis in the Strip is horrific and the world should not watch until the graves of children are counted, pointing out that "even if the fire is stopped immediately and aid trucks are allowed to enter, death will continue for some time in Gaza."

On the other hand, the New York Times indicated that American volunteer doctors who treated patients in Gaza hospitals in horrific conditions and returned to the country are currently exerting intense pressure on officials for an immediate ceasefire to save the lives of the residents of the Strip.

In turn, the American website "The Hill" reported that a number of prominent progressive representatives strongly criticized the restrictions imposed on funding the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), saying that they were unreasonable.

The website quoted Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as saying that restricting funding is a highly political step because it is not based on sound facts, and that intelligence assessments have largely proven this.

Source: American press + Israeli press + British press + Chinese press