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Video duration 51 minutes 23 seconds 51:23

Dr. Muhammad Ali Balaou, a university professor and member of the Fatwa Council in Britain, defines the family as the nucleus of society and the factory of leaders, and he stresses - in his speech to the “Sharia and Life in Ramadan” program - the necessity for the Muslim family in the West to preserve its religion and identity, and not dissolve and dissolve. In Western society.

The episode (3/18/2024) of the program “Sharia and Life in Ramadan” devoted its topic to the Muslim family in the West and the challenges it faces.

Regarding the importance of the family in Islam, Dr. Ali Bala’u points out that God - the Almighty - paid great attention to it and urged its formation, as he said in Surah Al-Rum, “And among His signs is that He created for you mates from among yourselves that you may find tranquility in them, and He placed between you affection and mercy..”

The Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - also urged marriage and starting a family, when he said, “O young men, whoever of you can afford it, let him get married.”

According to the Fatwa Council in Britain, Islam has legislated the family for important purposes and noble purposes, including worship of God Almighty, tranquility and mercy. God Almighty described the husband’s relationship with his wife in the best way in Surah Al-Baqarah by saying, “They are clothing for you and you are clothing for them...” in addition to other purposes. Social and moral values ​​that are inherited.

Challenges of the Muslim family in the West

Regarding the reality of the Muslim family in Western countries, Dr. Ali Balaou says that the Muslim family that lives among a minority or majority that differs from it in religion and customs has privacy in Islam, in fatwas, and in legislation.

He points out that some Muslim families in the West have fully integrated with the society in which they live without any controls or restrictions, and this integration and separation from Islamic identity is an extreme danger and a major challenge.

On the other hand, there are families who live in a state of complete isolation from the society in which they live, stressing that the most correct thing is for the family to integrate, but on the condition that it preserves its religion, culture and privacy.

In the same context, a member of the Fatwa Council in Britain confirms that Islam urges people to mix and participate in public life, citing the words of the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - in the authentic hadith: “The believer who mixes with people and is patient with their harm is better than the believer who does not mix.” people, and he is not patient with their harm.”

He stresses the need for Muslim families in the West to strengthen their connection to Islam, and for them to be raised as Muslims but citizens of the country in which they live.

Regarding the conflict of loyalty to the state in which the Muslim family lives with the convictions and principles of the Muslim person and support for his Muslim brothers in the Gaza Strip, he points out that a Muslim is a Muslim’s brother, as the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said, and that what is required is for the Muslim family not to alienate its children from the reality of Muslims. And support them financially and morally.

Regarding the fatwas that address the challenges facing the Muslim family, he emphasizes that Muslims in non-Islamic countries have a special methodology that relies on facilitation in fatwas and evangelization in the cause.

Source: Al Jazeera