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Scene with Jan Josef Liefers: focal point of the allotment garden

Photo: Taimas Ahangari / WDR

Focus on the allotment garden: On Sunday, Boerne (Jan Josef Liefers) and Thiel (Axel Prahl) investigated the murder of an elderly lady in the “crime scene” who had been murdered in her arbor.

Apparently the woman had been traveling all over the world carrying out political attacks before her death.

While one could initially assume that the ecologically exemplary bower pipit was a left-wing terrorist like the RAF woman Daniela Klette, who had just been exposed, she later turned out to be a contract killer whose customers apparently also included the CIA.

In the course of the investigation, Boerne and Thiel even find out that the dead organic gardener prevented an attack on the politicians at the meeting between then German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher and his Soviet counterpart Eduard Shevardnadze in Münster's town hall in 1990.

At that time, the two-plus-four talks that led to reunification were prepared.

In our review we wrote: "The filmmakers probably didn't expect that their 'crime scene', which was designed as timeless terror nonsense, could become a current news story.

But how remnants of armed left-wing violence now seem to be flourishing here in the eco-oasis is reminiscent in many ways of the recently exposed RAF terrorist Daniela Klette and her Berlin biotope.

(...) It's a short way from the allotment garden string to the spy spectacle in this mind-numbingly amusing 'crime scene'."

We gave it 8 out of 10.

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Another “crime scene” with the team around Boerne and Thiel is being filmed these days.

It is called “The Curse of the Grave Mask” and is about a bizarre murder involving an archaic weapon.

The script comes from Sascha Arango, who also wrote the last Kiel “Tatort” about revenants.
