Zabala de la Serna

Updated Sunday, March 17, 2024-10:33


Those who attended this Saturday's bullfight in Arnedo (La Rioja) claimed that they saw Morante de la Puebla suffer, almost crying in the alley.

Today he will not fight in Navalmoral, where he was announced with Emilio de Justo and Tomás Rufo


"Yesterday he couldn't anymore and he went 'forward'

. Since before Valencia he has been suffering from discomfort, with fever and a bad body, which affects his head. I hope that in a couple of days he will be fine," his brother told EL MUNDO. attorney Pedro J. Marques removing error from the matter.

But the truth is that the teacher from La Puebla has been accusing since the beginning of the season, if not before, when they considered postponing the start of the year, the consequences of his

psychiatric condition

, a diagnosis of personality disorder and bipolarity that he has been suffering from for some time. many years.

That in the first bullfights has been translated into a certain sadness of spirit.

The 2023 season was very hard for Morante

de la Puebla between comings and goings due to an injury to his hand, to the semilunar ligament, but not only, which prevented him from fighting.

He was forced to cut the season short after his first afternoon in San Miguel, without being able to reach the farewell of El Juli in Seville or the tight end of the season -Madrid, Valencia, double in Zaragoza...- that had been signed as dessert from the campaign of the year in which he cut a tail in the Maestranza.

Before winter arrived, after consulting various trauma specialists,

Morante decided not to undergo hand surgery

and to continue treatment with a specialist in Portugal.

But it wasn't just the hand


During the winter, the master

focused on his small cattle ranch under the old iron of Pérez de la Concha, providing it with Alcurrucén blood on his small farm in Malvaloca.

Everything suggested that the 2024 campaign would be more leisurely with commitments.

But the companies began to no longer call

r, but to appear in La Puebla del Río: Valencia, Olivenza, Arnedo... And the beginning of the season was filling up with dates.

Something, however, was not going entirely well, as revealed by Morante's gesture at the Andalusian Regional Government awards that he shared with Curro.

"They have taken his medication off and he is feeling down," was the explanation.

Since then the suffering has not ceased, until the body discomfort and fever seem to have finished acting as a wishbone.

Easter Sunday in Seville

, where Morante is the base of the season ticket, is just around the corner.