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Actor Pierce Brosnan: Guilty of entering a closed area in Yellowstone National Park (here in London in 2022)

Photo: Vianney Le Caer/dpa

Former James Bond actor Pierce Brosnan has pleaded guilty in court in the US state of Wyoming to entering an area closed to visitors in Yellowstone National Park last November.

The District Court judge in Wyoming imposed a fine of around $1,500 on Thursday (local time), according to court documents.

The newspaper “The Livingston Enterprise” published the documents.

The 70-year-old actor did not have to appear in court in person; he attended the hearing via telephone.

In January, the Irish native initially rejected the allegations.

The incident is said to have occurred on November 1, 2023.

Yellowstone National Park, mostly located in Wyoming, is known for its hot springs and geysers - although dangerous areas are closed to visitors.

For the most part, you'll need to stay on the trails and observe the attractions from a distance.

According to the allegations, Brosnan had violated the restrictions in place in the park.

Brosnan was at the Yellowstone Film Ranch in the US state of Montana last November to film the western “Unholy Trinity”.

Samuel L. Jackson and the German actress Veronica Ferres star alongside him.
