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The defendant in the Dortmund district court

Photo: Dieter Menne / dpa

Two years after an attack on Oliver Pocher on the sidelines of a boxing match in Dortmund, the rapper Fat Comedy has been sentenced to a fine.

The Dortmund district court decided that he should pay 120 daily rates of 15 euros for intentional bodily harm.

Fat Comedy apologized “from the bottom of my heart” to Pocher.

He made a “huge mistake” that he regrets.

This applies to the slap itself and also to the video of the act that a friend made for him at the time.

This is how the defendant described it in a statement presented by his defense lawyer.

He wanted to make a “verbal announcement” to Pocher, but then anger arose in him and he lashed out.

The public prosecutor's office had demanded a suspended prison sentence of ten months.

Pocher appeared as a witness and co-plaintiff.

His lawyer had called for a prison sentence for Fat Comedy.

The attack was by no means spontaneous, but was planned in advance, as evidenced by the filming of the crime.

In view of the “humiliating display” of the slap on the Internet and numerous postings by the defendant, Pocher also became a victim in two respects.

The video of the crime was viewed millions of times.

Pocher reported as a witness that the situation was opaque at the time.

He didn't know whether more blows would follow, whether Fat Comedy had a knife with him or whether other perpetrators might be lying in wait for him in the hall.

The 46-year-old spoke of a “certain life-threatening situation.”

Pocher said he was treated for tinnitus with cortisone injections.

The judgment is not final, so it can be appealed.
