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Clouds of smoke and vehicles from the Berlin fire department at Tegel Airport

Photo: Sebastian Gollnow / dpa

The Berlin fire brigade went on a large-scale operation to provide refugee accommodation at the former Tegel Airport.

A spokesman said on Tuesday that 100 emergency services were on the way.

According to the Berlin fire department, there were no injuries.

A tent with an area of ​​1000 square meters and space for 380 people burned down.

According to the operator, all residents were able to leave the accommodation in time, said the fire department spokesman.

He spoke of a “clear situation”.

The fire department could rule out the possibility of the fire spreading to other tents.

There is still no information about the cause of the fire.

After Tegel Airport was closed, the site in the northwest of the capital served as refugee accommodation.

The arrival center for migrants seeking protection is probably one of the largest in the country.

According to the State Office for Refugee Affairs (LAF), there are 40 lightweight halls in which around 4,500 people live.

Those seeking protection in the mass accommodations were only supposed to stay there temporarily, but some are stuck there for months.

The facility was originally intended exclusively as an arrival center for war refugees from Ukraine.
