“Small blisters appear on hands and feet when the weather is hot”, “rheumatism occurs repeatedly all over the body”, “crazy peeling of hands”… It is particularly itchy and easy to relapse. As the temperature rises, people with sensitive skin have already experienced the arrival of spring in advance.

The reporter interviewed Professor Wang Fei, Director of the Dermatology Department of Zhongda Hospital Affiliated to Southeast University, and learned that spring is the season of high incidence of allergies, and the number of patients visiting the dermatology department has been gradually increasing recently.

  Ms. Jiang, a citizen, has typical "sensitive skin." She told reporters helplessly, "When the weather is hot, eczema, itching, and rashes all appear on the face and hands. It is more obvious and frequent when the seasons change. Although it is itchy People are upset, but they can't scratch. If they are scratched, they will leave scars." She also has some coping methods of her own as she has been ill for a long time. "When it's not serious, I will moisturize more. When it's serious, I can't put on makeup. I usually go to the hospital. Symptomatic treatment, sometimes with hormones.”

  Chief Physician Wang Fei said that there are many patients with spring allergies, but everyone's skin allergies are not exactly the same. Generally speaking, they can be divided into three categories: The first category is urticaria, which often has skin itching and wheals that are bright red. Or pale, disappearing after a while, and come and go. In severe cases, symptoms such as chest tightness, difficulty breathing, and stomach pain may occur; the second type is common dermatitis and eczema, where small bumps will appear on the skin. Various bumps can be numerous. It may be less, but the itching is severe. As the temperature rises, the itching will intensify. The third category is papular urticaria, an allergic skin disease caused by various mosquito bites. Large blisters or wind bumps may appear on the skin. .

  "Small blisters on both palms, peeling and itching, are the most common clinical diseases. They belong to the category of dermatitis and eczema. We encounter many such patients every year." Wang Fei told reporters that this kind of blisters are usually very small and sometimes wrapped in the skin. The itching is severe and easy to recur.

However, the cause is still unclear, and it is believed to be related to high temperature, external stimulation, etc.

It is generally recommended that you have less contact with detergents and soap products to avoid excessive friction and irritation.

  In addition, it should be reminded that the effect of topical medication for this type of skin disease is obvious, and the patient can stop taking the medication as soon as he is cured, because it is difficult to avoid recurrence and there is no need to maintain treatment for a long time.

If suppressed with drugs for a long time, the side effects of the drugs may cause more harm than the disease itself.

  Talking about the reasons for the high incidence of allergies in spring, Wang Fei explained, "Outdoor activities increase during this season, and people are exposed to more various dusts, floating objects, etc. in the air, so the associated allergies are also increasing."

  Finally, experts emphasized that although there is a lot of dust in spring and allergies are prone to occur, everyone should not resist outdoor sports. People prone to allergies can wear masks to block them. It is usually recommended to have more contact with nature. Only by improving immunity can you improve your response to allergies. .

  Yangzi Evening News/Ziniu News reporter Wang Menghang