China News Service, Shuozhou, March 8 (Yang Peipei and Guo Shengdong) As the temperature gradually warms up in the past few days, birds gather in the Shanyin Sanggan River National Wetland Park in Shuozhou City, Shanxi Province. Whooper swans and red shelducks migrate north A large number of migratory birds such as ducks, mallards, and spot-billed ducks soar over the wetlands, roam on the water, or inhabit among the vegetation, fully demonstrating the beauty of the ecology.

A large number of migratory birds such as whooper swans, red shelducks, mallards, and spot-billed ducks that migrate north inhabit the Shanyin Sanggan River National Wetland Park.

Photo courtesy of Shanyin County Media Center

  Birds are an important part of the natural ecosystem and play a very important role in maintaining the balance and stability of the ecosystem.

With the implementation of the wetland protection and restoration project, the Sanggan River wetland ecosystem has been effectively protected, wetland biodiversity and landscape diversity have been significantly improved, and the wetland water area has gradually expanded, providing a good habitat for birds and wildlife.

  In recent years, Shanyin County, the "Small Town in Saibei", has continuously increased its efforts in ecological construction and wetland protection. The natural environment of Shanyin Sanggan River National Wetland Park has been significantly improved, attracting a large number of rare birds to breed and rest here. Today, here It has become an important stop and habitat for migrating birds.

Birds gather in Sanyin Sangganhe National Wetland Park in Shuozhou City, Shanxi Province.

Photo courtesy of Shanyin County Media Center

  Huang Hua, a publicity officer at the Sanyin Sanggan River National Wetland Park Management and Conservation Center, said that in early March, the wetland park ushered in the peak migration period of wild animals, and the number and types of migratory birds that came to inhabit the park increased much more than in previous years.

  According to daily observations at the Sanyin Sanggan River National Wetland Park, the number of north-migrating birds of all types living here this year has reached thousands, which is the largest number in recent years.

The great improvement of the ecological environment has created a suitable living environment for birds. Some migratory birds have become resident birds and settled in the wetlands.

The natural environment of Shanyin Sangganhe National Wetland Park has been significantly improved.

Photo courtesy of Shanyin County Media Center

  "When migratory birds arrive, we increase patrols, build fences on both sides of the river, and install high-definition cameras to minimize human interference and provide a good habitat for migratory birds." Shanyin Sanggan River Zhang Wenjie, deputy director of the National Wetland Park Management and Conservation Center, said.
