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Video duration 02 minutes 53 seconds 02:53

The international press focused on US President Joe Biden's announcement of building a floating port off the coast of the Gaza Strip, and the necessity of forming a new Israeli government in light of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's refusal to bear responsibility for the attack of last October 7.

The British newspaper "The Guardian" said that the United States' plan to build a floating port off the coast of Gaza is a bold step that is not without serious concerns that the relief it will bring will not be sufficient, and will be too late for the Palestinians facing famine.

She indicated that Israeli inspectors will be present in the Cypriot port of Larnaca to inspect aid shipments, giving Tel Aviv control over regulating the flow under the pretext of security checks.

In turn, the American newspaper "The New York Times" alerted the warning of relief crews that the sea corridor proposed by Biden cannot constitute an alternative to opening more land routes for trucks.

Experts indicated - according to the newspaper - that establishing the infrastructure for the new corridor will take some time, and that it will not solve a fundamental problem of distributing aid inside Gaza in light of the continuing violent Israeli bombing.

As for the Chinese newspaper "China Daily", it saw that the United States is setting harsh conditions for a ceasefire in Gaza, stressing that lasting peace can only be achieved through the full and effective implementation of the two-state solution.

The newspaper considered that "the temporary ceasefire will only serve as a prelude to another round of conflicts in the future."

"An attack on Netanyahu"

For its part, the American magazine Foreign Affairs published an article by the head of Israeli military intelligence, Amos Yadlin, in which he said that Israel needs political change and a better security doctrine.

Yadlin added that the unprecedented challenges facing Israel require the formation of a new government capable of mobilizing a broad national consensus and getting the country out of one of the most dangerous crises in its history.

In turn, the Israeli newspaper "Haaretz", in its editorial, held Netanyahu responsible for the biggest catastrophe to befall Israel since its founding, noting that he and his partners still refuse to take responsibility after 5 months of fighting in Gaza.

The newspaper added that there is an urgent need more than ever for Israelis to take to the streets and resume anti-government protests, before concluding by saying, "Netanyahu and his irresponsible government must go."

For its part, the Israeli newspaper "Jerusalem Post" said that Netanyahu's office sought to expose Israeli War Council member Benny Gantz to prosecution and arrest in Britain by not granting Gantz's delegation the status of an official delegation.

The newspaper indicated that Britain feared the status of the visit and gave an official character to Gantz’s delegation, granting him special immunity from lawsuits and arrest warrants related to the war in Gaza.

Source: American press + Israeli press + British press + Chinese press