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Police are investigating a damaged electricity pylon near the Tesla car factory in Grünheide

Photo: Sebastian Gollnow / dpa

Federal Prosecutor General Jens Rommel has taken over the investigation into the arson attack on the power supply of the Tesla factory in Grünheide, Brandenburg.

A spokeswoman for the Karlsruhe Federal Prosecutor's Office confirmed this to SPIEGEL.

There is, among other things, "initial suspicion of membership in a terrorist organization, unconstitutional sabotage and communal arson" against the previously unknown perpetrators.

The spokeswoman initially did not want to provide any further information.

Unidentified people set fire to a power pole

On Tuesday, previously unknown perpetrators set fire to an electricity pylon in a field that also supplies the Tesla factory.

Production was stopped.

Tens of thousands of residents were affected by the power outage.

The left-wing extremist “Vulkan Group” had declared that it was responsible for the attack.

The police believe a letter of confession is genuine.

She is looking for witnesses who noticed the crime on Tuesday night or who can provide information about suspects.

The public prosecutor's office in Frankfurt (Oder) had previously investigated charges of unconstitutional sabotage, disruption of public operations and arson.

Tesla and an Edeka logistics center have not yet been able to be supplied with electricity again since the arson attack.

The network operator Edis spoke of massive damage to the mast and live parts.

According to the electric car manufacturer, production in Grünheide will probably remain interrupted until the end of next week.
