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Mourning for 15-year-old footballer: teenager found guilty

Photo: Paul Zinken / picture alliance / dpa

In the trial surrounding a fatal brawl at a youth soccer tournament in Frankfurt am Main, the 17-year-old defendant was sentenced to a youth sentence of two years suspended.

The regional court found the young person guilty of intentional bodily harm and bodily harm resulting in death.

This means that the young person, who has been in custody for ten months, is released.

The judges saw it as proven that the teenager had injured a 15-year-old so badly last May that he died of his brain injuries.

On Whit Monday last year there was a fight between players from a German and a French team after an international soccer tournament in Frankfurt am Main.

According to the prosecution, the then 16-year-old defendant is said to have hit the 15-year-old Berliner in the cheek or neck.

The teenager then collapsed.

Severe brain injuries were diagnosed in the hospital.

Three days after the incident, the 15-year-old was diagnosed as brain dead.
