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NRW Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst in the state parliament: Puzzles about a mysterious message of love

Photo: Oliver Berg/dpa

An unknown person carved a heart into the so-called government bench of Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst (CDU) in the state parliament.

He is now puzzling over the author on social media - and even suspects his counterpart from Bavaria.

“So I put work folders on my table and discovered this on the government bench in the state parliament,” wrote Wüst to the subscribers of his WhatsApp channel about the photo of the heart.

'I don't know who it was - someone in the Cabinet?

A coalition partner?

Someone from the CDU parliamentary group?

Anyone from the opposition?!?

“I’ll probably never know,” Wüst continued.

»Was that you, Mona?

Or you, Markus?”

Wüst asked on Instagram: »Was that you Mona?

Or you, Markus?" He linked to Economics Minister Mona Neubaur (Greens) and Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU).

The Düsseldorf state parliament met for plenary sessions on Wednesday and Thursday.

It was not initially clear when the heart was carved into the table.

However, it won't last for very long: "The tables in the plenary hall are serviced at regular intervals to repair scratches or damaged areas," said a spokesman for the state parliament: "The next repairs will take place in the next session-free period, probably during the Easter holidays Necessary repairs take place.«
