Solène Delinger 3:50 p.m., March 1, 2024

In an interview with "Gala", Raphaël Quenard, César for best male revelation for "Scrapyard Dog", remembered a small remark which particularly hurt him, on the set of "Yannick". 

A meteoric rise.

Unknown until a year ago, Raphaël Quenard was the essential personality of the 49th César ceremony.

Nominated in three categories, the 32-year-old actor walked away with the statuette for best male revelation for his role in 

Junkyard Dog


“I am accused of drunkenness or other faults”

“Thank you to the filmmakers who give us free rein to gesticulate in their world,” declared the actor, who made the audience laugh with his witticisms and his innate sense of self-deprecation.

“I’m waiting for the little music to accentuate the emotion!”, said the insolent guy, with a little smile on his lips (the music is the signal to leave the stage).


Raphaël Quenard: childhood, relationship, family... Everything you need to know about the actor, César for best male revelation 

After his coronation, Raphaël Quenard told an anecdote from the filming of

Yannick (directed by Quentin Dupieux) at the




In this film, the actor with inimitable phrasing and banter gives the answer to Sébastien Chassagne.

“In the audience, there was his sister, who was next to a lady,” he recalled.

"After four days, this lady said, speaking about me: 'It's funny and it's good that Quentin is giving disabled actors a chance'. Because she believed, from my speech, and I I want to say it, because it was mentioned."

The actor then lost his temper, visibly hurt by this derogatory remark: "Either I am accused of drunkenness, or of other faults. This is the very fact of the divide between, perhaps, Paris and the provinces. It is to consider that a provincial marker like an accent is a sign of drunkenness or any other fault whatsoever. And I find that it is not very nice to accuse me of that. So I refuse to this little rant, as courteously as possible."

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Raphaël Quenard had already denied having an accent.

“It’s a slightly displaced nasal septum which gives a sort of cold stamp,” he assured Yann Barthès.