Borja R. Catela Madrid


Updated Sunday, February 18, 2024-9:50 p.m.

  • Prime Video Operación Triunfo, the Big Brother of generation Z: "What is experienced here and what is seen outside are two parallel realities"

  • TV Operación Triunfo and the television of the future: prime time contests on platforms and on-demand programming on traditional channels

This February 19, the

Operación Triunfo

set will turn off its lights after having chosen this year's winner. Those spotlights had been on since November 20, 2023, when a new installment of the successful musical contest began that elevated, in its different editions, already established artists from the Spanish music scene such as

David Bisbal


David Bustamante


Rosa López


Lola Índigo

, to name a few.

Another novelty was that it was no longer broadcast on an open channel, but on a


platform ,

Prime Video

, which wanted to draw on nostalgia and put one of the contestants from the first edition,


, as master of ceremonies . The artist, with a long career in music or as a judge on television shows, had never been in charge of a large format like

Operación Triunfo


However, the bet has turned out very well for Prime Video, which has managed to connect with the usual fans of OT and with the new followers, using social networks as another means to connect with the potential audience that, in this case , they do not measure audiences.

Among the cast of teachers who have helped the contestants evolve along the program's path is

Mamen Márquez

, who is in charge of teaching vocal technique to the participants of this year's

Operación Triunfo

, and the 2017, 2018 and 2020 editions. In addition , the woman from Granada also works with great artists from our country such as Antonio Banderas, Ruth Lorenzo or

Aitana Ocaña


Márquez highlights that very talented people entered this edition, "although they have always done it in all editions," the Granada woman clarifies to EL MUNDO, but it seems that this year the vocal level was quite high from the beginning of the selection of participants. "I remember that when we were at the


and we were selecting people, I thought they had a high level, but now within the Academy, their evolution has been wonderful in every sense, in all subjects, from dance to acting, through technique vocal," he acknowledges.

Her job all these months at the famous


Academy has been to be their vocal technique teacher, spending many days with them. On Mondays, two hours, on Wednesdays, one and on Thursdays, another. "

I spent so much time there that it seemed like I was living with them

(laughs). In fact, this year I moved to live in Terrassa because I thought that, for that matter, I would go as close to the Academy because I was there all the time. day," he says with a laugh. In the mornings she gave them vocal technique classes, and in the afternoons, she provided

vocal coach

advice and repeated vocal technique. Márquez has also directed the recording of the weekly album, so on Fridays she was also with them.


Have you noticed that the participants already knew what they were going for after so many editions of the contest?


Don't think I've noticed it that much. It is true that, when we prepared the 2017 edition, this program had not been done for years and, therefore, the people who entered were very green in the sense that they did not know what Operación


moved . But we ourselves didn't know how it was going to go this year after several years without being broadcast or the success it has had because you never know how the public is going to receive it.


Were this year's students more prepared?


Those from 2017 did not have any reference to anything and

in this edition we have kids who themselves admit that they are


of the program

, so they know very well how the format works and, sometimes, even better than ourselves (laughs ). But I don't think they have used it in a negative way, I think it has been something very nice for them because being followers of the program, they had always dreamed of entering and they have seen how that aspiration has been fulfilled. It has been a very magical moment for all of them.

"The contestants know very well how the format works and, sometimes, even better than us"


Looking back... What has been your best moment of the

OT 2023

season ?


The best, the incredible numbers that many of them have done at the galas. We have had very beautiful, very tender moments, all of them full of emotion.


And the worst?


When they came to tell me that they were tired. We must keep in mind that they are young people, that they are on a television program with all the enthusiasm, but they also do not stop having classes, galas... and of course, they cannot stop talking either, which is why they are asking a lot of them. his working instrument which is the voice.


What consequences did it have on them?


The vocal folds are a fairly small muscle and have a very high demand in itself. Both at rehearsal time and in the rest of the classes or free time, where they continued talking, because they also have to discuss their things and have to go about their lives, it

has taken its toll on them



If next year there is another edition, would you like to be a teacher again?



if they call me I will be there, the first in line

(laughs). In this program we are a family, not only are they excellent coworkers, they are also people that I greatly admire. For me there are two people who are exceptional and role models in my life:

Noemí Galera


Antonio Banderas

. I think they are the two most special, intelligent and inspiring people I have ever worked with. So I go wherever they call me. That group would also include Aitana.

"Noemí Galera and Antonio Banderas are two references for me"


Can teaching vocal technique to the contestants of


be compared to those of

Tu cara me sona

, for example, where you also work?


The work is very different. In

Operación Triunfo

they are some kids that we have there for 24 hours, who have to be making vocal changes within themselves. In

Your face, it sounds to me

, the contestants have to imitate other people, which is also very funny, because they have to sing songs completely out of their style and type of voice. It's very fun to see how they do this whole process. The truth is that we had a great time with this job.


And speaking of imitating... How is your work with Carlos Latre?


Carlos is a stage animal, impressive on a vocal level. What he does is incredible because he not only imitates speaking, but also sings and covers all the sectors that the human voice can cover. Making so many character changes, from deep to high-pitched voice type, going through a broken one... Look, I know him, but he never ceases to surprise me and, on top of that, he is a guy in continuous evolution. He is very committed to his voice and his work.

"Carlos Latre is a stage animal, impressive on a vocal level"


What is your work with Antonio Banderas?


When Antonio told me that he wanted to do the musical


, he asked me for help on a vocal level because he also plays the main character. We were at his house for three weeks working to fine-tune his voice. He also offered me to be his assistant stage director, that is, when he was on stage he needed someone to be downstairs watching the


, and he placed his trust in me also for those two functions, to be his

vocal coach

and, in the company , his assistant stage director. Currently I am still working with him, in fact, as


ends , I will go with him to audition in Madrid for the next shows.


And with Aitana?


It has been a super nice process with her because we saw her born at the




, and I remember coming home and commenting: "A tiny, beautiful girl has come, with bangs and very shy who is going to be a star." . That was Aitana. She is amazing, talented, intelligent, fast, the camera loves her... When

Operación Triunfo

ended , Cosme, her father, called me to continue working with her. Normally I go with Aitana to rehearsals, we see the costumes, the dancers and then, to the concerts to warm up vocally. If I can't be with her, we do it


before the

