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Video duration 05 minutes 01 seconds 05:01

A French doctor documented the suffering of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip under the continuous bombardment by Israeli occupation aircraft, especially children, and mocked the European position, saying, “Well done, Europeans, it is shameful.”

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He pointed out that the areas of the European Hospital and Nasser Hospital in the south of the Gaza Strip are under constant bombardment, and he appealed to the world to work to "stop these massacres," stressing that "there are only children and civilians."

From the European Hospital, the video - prepared by Al Jazeera Net - showed wounded elderly people and children lying in the hospital corridors, while the sounds of shelling and missiles fired by the occupation army grew louder.

The French doctor likened one of the occupation drones that was flying in the sky to a “beast” or an eagle searching for its prey, while in reality it is “a killing tool controlled by someone from his position as if it were an electronic game, and he kills with satisfying pleasure and simplicity as if nothing had happened.”

He described the sound of this march as “the sound of death” that threatens the lives of all these women and children, and suppresses the choices of a people who “simply aspire to their freedom” and demand “respect for international humanitarian law.”