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Umut Emre Aytekin and Sandra Z.

Photo: Umut Emre Aytekin / Instagram

A protagonist of the VOX documentary soap “Goodbye Germany” has apparently become the victim of a violent crime in Turkey. As several media outlets unanimously reported, the broadcaster announced on its Instagram account on Friday that the 32-year-old musician Umut Emre Aytekin had tragically died at the beginning of February.

The article is no longer available. The exact circumstances of the death were initially unclear.

On Sunday, the "Bild" newspaper reported, citing Turkish media, that the musician was attacked by two men in an Istanbul fast food restaurant before his death. The men had previously harassed his partner.

In an article on the website of the Turkish daily newspaper "Takvim" from February 5th, you can see a recording from a surveillance camera that is said to show the attack on Aytekin. You can see a man standing at the counter of a fast food restaurant and apparently placing an order. The next moment another man comes into the picture from the right and suddenly and with great force hits the customer in the face.

Surveillance video shows brutal attack

The victim immediately falls to the ground - shortly afterwards a second figure comes into the picture and, together with the first attacker, kicks and punches the defenseless man. Finally, a woman, apparently Aytekin's fiancée Sandra Z., tries to fend off the attackers. They eventually abandon their victim.

The woman supports the motionless man's head, and in the next moment a crowd of people forms to look after the injured man. The Turkish website “Arti Gerçek” also reported on the incident. Accordingly, Aytekin later died in hospital as a result of his head injuries.

According to information from the Turkish news portal Gazete Duvar, the suspected perpetrators have already been identified and arrested. They are also said to be musicians. It is not known whether the encounter was accidental or whether the attacker and victim already knew each other.

The documentary format “Goodbye Germany” accompanies emigrants who are looking for happiness far away from Germany. In March of last year, a camera team documented the departure of Sandra Z., who had fallen in love with the musician and emigrated to Aytekin in Turkey.