The Spring Festival holiday is a happy thing, but health cannot be a holiday. Every year, many people suffer from various diseases because they do not pay attention to maintaining healthy living habits during the holidays. In this regard, experts from Nanjing Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine compiled five "health tips."

  Correspondent Yang Pu Yangzi Evening News/Ziniu News reporter Lu Yanlin

  Know the signs of myocardial infarction early: Xing Junwu, director of the Department of Cardiovascular Diseases, said that if the following five points occur, you must go to the hospital as soon as possible: tightness or squeezing pain in the left chest at night or when resting; angina pectoris symptoms suddenly worsen and attack Frequent, larger scope, and longer duration; chest pain, chest tightness, fatigue, palpitation, and shortness of breath without obvious triggers; pain in the following parts during exercise, such as upper abdominal pain, toothache, mandibular pain, left upper limb pain, shoulder pain, and back pain When there is pain in one or more places; syncope occurs suddenly without obvious triggers.

  Suspecting a stroke? There is a rapid identification method: Wu Jianyu, deputy chief physician of the Department of Encephalology (Department of Neurology), said that if an acute cerebrovascular disease attack is suspected, the "FAST" rapid identification method is recommended: F-Face (face): whether one side of the face is drooping or the corner of the mouth is skewed ? Can I make a smiley face? A-Arms: Are there any weakness in the limbs? Can you lift both arms? S-Speech: Is your speech slurred? T-Time: If you notice any of the above symptoms, call the emergency number and go to the nearest hospital in time. ,

  Prevention of acclimatization: Wang Yuanzhao, director of the Anorectal Department, reminds that if you have frequent diarrhea, abdominal distension, increased bowel sounds, and abdominal cramps due to intestinal spasm, or have a fever and feel tired, it is best to seek medical treatment in time.

  Beware of muscle and bone injuries when playing at heights: Chief Physician Wang Rui of the Department of Orthopedics reminds that if your knee is injured during exercise, be sure not to continue exercising or stimulate the injured area. There is a special "Rice Principle" for the treatment of sports injuries.

  Stay up late and be tired to prevent oral ulcers: Irregular work and rest during holidays, unhealthy diet, decreased resistance, coupled with insufficient intake of dietary fiber such as fruits and vegetables, etc., are most likely to lead to internal heat and frequent oral ulcers. In addition, from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, emotional anxiety and impatience caused by long traffic jams and queues can easily lead to anger and can also induce oral ulcers. Zhou Junbo, Director of the Department of Stomatology, suggests that you should drink less drinks on your way back from vacation and drink boiled water; develop a good habit of gargling after meals to keep your oral hygiene clean; reduce the intake of spicy and irritating foods, eat light and less salt; eat more vitamin-containing and dietary supplements Fiber fruits and vegetables.