The world

Updated Friday, February 16, 2024-12:56

Brian Wilson

suffers from dementia

. This is clear from his family's request to obtain legal guardianship of the pop legend and founder of the

Beach Boys

, after his wife, Melinda, died two weeks ago.

Brian Wilson is 81 years old and suffers from "a significant neurocognitive disorder (such as dementia)," according to the family's petition.


He does not have the capacity

to consent to the administration of medications appropriate for the care and treatment of significant neurocognitive disorders (including dementia)," explain the legal documents attached to the family's request for guardianship, according to

The Blast


"Following the

passing of Brian's beloved wife, Melinda

, and after careful consideration and consultation between Brian, his seven children, Gloria Ramos [musician's caregiver], and Brian's doctors, we confirm that representatives of the Wilson family since LeeAnn Hard and Jean Sievers will long serve as co-conservators of Brian's person," Wilson's family said in a statement to


magazine .

This medium also includes the documents presented to the court, in which Brian Wilson's representatives indicate that he is

"incapable of adequately addressing his personal needs

for physical health, food, clothing or accommodation."

A doctor cited in the documents claims that the creator of masterpieces such as

Pet Sounds


Summer Days

"was easily distracted, often even when aware of his surroundings"

and "often spontaneously uttered irrelevant or incoherent utterances."

Brian Wilson has suffered from

mental health problems

and was already under guardianship 30 years ago, when his family confronted controversial psychologist Eugene Landy, who, according to them, exerted "undue influence" over his life, his music and his finances.