It feels like daylight has been turned on and reality, turned inside out, appears in all its unsightly form, which had previously been carefully retouched and liberally applied makeup. A system of substitutions, global deceit and lies. Now it’s as if the veil has fallen from the “civilized” and standard-humanistic world, an outpost of the defense of democratic values. And there, underneath him, the most disgusting worms are swarming and a cannibalistic, carnivorous grimace. It’s as if the hero of a slasher movie, Jason Voorhees, has risen from the bottom of his lake and is looking around, anticipating a bloody harvest.

Crystal Lake is an external idyll and splendor that hides imminent horror. Kristallnacht in the kingdom of crooked mirrors and the “empire of lies.”

Here the butcher and the cannibal are protected. They will solemnly present him with a hockey mask and clap his hands. Last year's memorable roar of applause in the Canadian Parliament in honor of the SS man turned into a new quality, subjugating reality, distorting history and drawing its own grimace.

The celebration at the highest level in Canada of the Nazi Gunka exposed the true system of democratic values. There was something ritualistic in this general rejoicing in front of the aged beast in human form. The relay of the special Nazi “torch” was passed from Gunka to Zelensky, who saluted him with universal approval. So the current punisher of Ukraine was initiated into the Nazis, and he, like Gunka in 1943, now symbolically volunteered for the SS Galicia division.

Gunka was happy. His work lives on. Zelensky, who received the reincarnated spirit of an old Nazi, is inspired. The clappers are happy: their conveyor of monstrous Frankensteins continues to work and is gaining momentum.

The ensuing scandal means nothing to this ritual. One should judge by deeds. And they are as follows: Canada did not satisfy the Russian side’s request to extradite a participant in genocide on the territory of the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War. This request was entangled in bureaucratic formalities and verbiage. The extradition of the SS man was previously demanded by Sergei Shoigu, who stated the facts of “the participation of the Nazi Gunka in atrocities against the civilian Soviet population on the territory of the Lvov region, then the territory of the USSR, including the genocide of Poles and Jews.”

The press secretary of the Belarusian Foreign Ministry, Anatoly Glaz, reacted to the refusal to extradite the former SS man, calling it “a very serious global issue.” He also recalled that at one time the request for “the extradition of the ruthless punisher, participant in the massacre in Belarusian Khatyn Vladimir Katryuk, remained unanswered.”

They don't give out their own people there. And Gunka and Katryuk are clearly their own in Canada. Applause is always prepared for them. Although, for reasons of maintaining respectability, they pretend that they have nothing in common and cover up their shame.

Well, what's wrong? They just brutally dealt with Soviet people. We remember how Nazi propaganda motivated its campaign to the East.

They say that everyone here is of the lowest grade, and not even people at all. For sanitary reasons, the land was cleared of them. The united West, if not saluted and applauded, then understood and guided. After the war, the “orderlies” were sheltered, and they already worked for the saving “civilized” world, including in the field of propaganda. They received awards and further cultivated their hatred, which legitimized everything they wanted. And the current “heroes”-avatars of the Western materialized will are exactly like that.

The most serious problem is that in a situation where, on the one hand, the beast of Nazism and his henchman (bloody henchman) are on the scales, and on the other hand, truth and justice, the democracies will be on the side of the former, covering him up in every possible way. Anatoly Glaz added that official Canada “has been sheltering for decades a whole breeding ground of individuals whose criminal acts have been proven and have no statute of limitations.”

But in Ottawa they think differently. So what if Gunka is still a convinced Nazi, for whom Wehrmacht soldiers appear as “mystical German knights”? The main thing is that he demonstrates loyalty to his owners. Now he has new owners who think that they are keeping the unpacked Nazi virus on a short leash. They perceive themselves as puppeteers.

This whole situation with the shameful honoring and then refusal to extradite a Nazi clearly demonstrates the relationship between two truths: ours and theirs, which increasingly resembles that same Gunka, the shadow of a Nazi. She is far from harmless. Such a symbiosis with the Nazis does not pass without leaving a trace. Ottawa doesn’t understand, but this extradition is the most important for it. It can break the chain of continuity of the Nazi ritual, which is realized in massive support for the current Kyiv regime. Canada is now at the forefront of starting the fire that is raging there. Maybe Gunka is urging her on, or Katryuk’s precepts are haunting her?

The same Anatoly Glaz noted that “Belarus will continue to consistently follow the path of protecting historical truth and justice.” Russia is doing the same, speaking out against historical twists and forgeries, because the current Western project “Ukraine” is a direct consequence, including manipulations on the historical plane, when lies, nurtured in the shadow of the Nazis, sprout like those very dragon teeth from the ancient myth.

Yes, and one more thing: I think that now there is an urgent need for a strong artistic statement that would defend the truth about the war and show the true appearance of that very beast, about which we know well, but in the West he is increasingly perceived in the image of an old and harmless old man. A statement on the level of “Ordinary Fascism” or the painting “Come and See.” So that those clapping and covering them would have huge eyes of horror. So that your hand does not rise to draw your vile scribbles instead of the truth about history. So that an absolute feeling of disgust arises from themselves, too, among all those who try to forget and replace everything, performing a new ritual of summoning that same demon. Otherwise, the roar of endless applause turned and concussed the heads of others.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editors.