Marie Gicquel // Credits: MALTE OSSOWSKI / SVEN SIMON / SVEN SIMON / DPA PICTURE-ALLIANCE 2:19 p.m., February 15, 2024

A show from Broadway is coming to the Folies Bergère in Paris. This show brings together six great magicians named "The Illusionists" who offer breathtaking tricks. Europe 1 met one of its conjurers who revealed a unique trick.

Magic takes over the Folies Bergère in Paris. A show that looks like a

Lord of the Rings


Harry Potter 

reunion .

A magic show which comes from Broadway and which settles in Paris with in its suitcases six great magicians grouped under the name of "The Illusionists". They jump rope without touching the ground, pop cards out of their mouths by the dozen and change costumes in a second. These magicians even make people disappear. Real stars who cut their teeth for some in Las Vegas and even created tours for David Copperfield. 


“The Night of Depression”, at the Folies Bergère

Gus, a French magician, nicknamed the Hugh Grant of magic for his resemblance to the actor, always has a deck of cards with him. He will be the master of ceremonies for this show, and he has more than one trick up his sleeve. This magician has the power to transform a 20 euro bill into a 100 bill! The “illusionists” also have the objective of dusting off certain tricks. “Kevin James, one of our magicians, comes on stage with a chainsaw and he cuts a person! But then the person walks away normally,” says Gus.

A rhythmic show 

But rest assured, the show is not bloody but rhythmic and sustained. The lighting and pyrotechnic effects are numerous and impressive. “The illusionists” will work their magic until March 3 at the Folies Bergère.