Marie Gicquel // Credits: Pixabay 2:57 p.m., February 14, 2024

While French has delighted the ears of lovers for years, it is now Italian that capsizes hearts the most. According to a study by the Babbel website, Dante's language has indeed become the sexiest language in the world.

Molière dethroned by Dante. According to a study by language learning app Babbel, Italian is now the sexiest language in the world, just ahead of French. Transalpine musicality sets hearts aflutter, so on this Valentine's Day, it might be a good idea to whisper words in Italian to make your partner melt.  

Europe 1 questioned French women about the success of Casanova's language and for them the title of sexiest dialect is not overused. “She sings, there are notes, it’s very sexy,” declares a passerby not indifferent to the transalpine charm.


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A weapon of seduction 

For Gianni, an Italian from the south of La Botte and restaurateur in Paris, the result of the study is not surprising. “It’s always women who have the last word!”, he quips. His mother tongue, rich in vowels, seduced his French wife. “At first, she ignored me, she said to herself ‘who is this little Italian’. Then I said a sentence to her in Italian and we never left each other,” he says. 

Lovers of the language of Molière can reassure themselves with this sentence from Blaise Pascal: “In love, silence is better than language”.