Europa Press

Updated Wednesday, February 14, 2024-10:18


Ministry of Health

has announced that it has begun the procedures to develop the Royal Decree with which it plans

to approve the regulation of cannabis

for medicinal use in Spain, once the draft has been presented by the State Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS).

According to reports, the text is in the "dialogue and discussion phase" with civil society to receive their contributions. In parallel, an email has been opened on the Ministry's website so that citizens can make contributions.

The regulation of the

medicinal use

of cannabis

proposed by the Ministry is a "rigorous measure based on the best scientific evidence available," they say. In addition, evaluations will be carried out periodically to verify its effectiveness and the standard will be provided with sufficient flexibility so that it can be expanded.

The approval of this measure has been dragging on for a long time since on June 27, 2022, with Carolina Darias as Minister of Health, a subcommittee was held in the Congress of Deputies to study the regularization of cannabis for therapeutic purposes, which concluded with a mandate to the AEMPS to prepare a report within

a period of six months

, which has not been met since it has now been, a year and a half later, when this draft has been sent to the Ministry.

"The draft Ministerial Order establishes a very guaranteeing regulation, designed to be improved from the framework of scientific evidence and treatment of cannabis as medicine," sources from the Ministry said last January.