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Vladimir Putin and Patriarch Kirill having oral sex: does this depiction go too far?

Photo: Hans-Juergen Bauer / epd / IMAGO

The carnival floats often criticize world events in a satirical way - but for some they go too far. The Zartbitter contact point, which campaigns against sexual abuse of girls and boys, has criticized a car from Düsseldorf that shows Russian President Vladimir Putin and Patriarch Kirill having oral sex.

"Even if one may have understanding for satirical depictions of the Russian Orthodox Church's relationship with Putin, it is irresponsible to present such a depiction of adult sexuality at an event for families - and that is definitely the Rose Monday procession," said the Zartbitter leader Ursula Enders. Children register such depictions very precisely, said Enders. Greater attention is urgently required here.

“Penis sucking” is a common assault among children in daycare or elementary school. Such a depiction in carnival could retraumatize children who have already experienced such an attack, but also carries the risk of trivialization.

Zartbitter also criticized the fact that a group of summer-dressed cheerleaders with crop tops took part in the Düsseldorf Rose Monday procession in cold weather. “The skirt hung well below the belly button for some elementary school-age girls. In terms of child protection, this should be viewed as a clear form of child neglect through inappropriate clothing in winter temperatures," says Zartbitter.

Due to their desire to belong to a group, young children in particular often conformed to clothing guidelines, even though they felt uncomfortable doing so. Philipp Büscher, managing director of Zartbitter, said: "Those responsible for the carnival procession and the club's board should ask themselves whether they respect the personal rights to appropriate clothing or neglect them at the expense of the health and well-being of children."
