Updated Wednesday, February 14, 2024-00:31


cold and distant reaction of the Government to the murder of two civil guards in Barbate (Cádiz),

added to the opposition of the PSC to expressing the condolences of the Catalan Parliament for events that have shocked public opinion, constitutes an exercise in indolence that reflects to what extent the effects of polarization are solvents for coexistence.

The double crime perpetrated last Friday would deserve something more from the Executive than a tweet from Pedro Sánchez

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The resident has not yet visited the area - and Fernando Grande-Marlaska's determination not to admit the shortage of personal and material resources in the fight against drug trafficking in the Campo de Gibraltar. The blatant lack of institutional support for the security forces

does not correspond to the severity and cruelty of the attack

perpetrated by drug traffickers.

Aligned with the independentists, the PSC did not join the minute of silence yesterday and prevented an institutional declaration in Parliament of support for the murdered agents, one of them Catalan.

This immoral position shows the need for the PSOE not to bother its parliamentary partners, who in Pamplona refused to participate in the tributes to the Benemérita

. It is unusual that a systemic party like the PSOE is dragged into a political calculation that leads, hand in hand with separatism, to not supporting the security forces as the most basic institutional responsibility requires.

The indifference of the Executive reveals the absence of official coverage up to the challenge of confronting organized crime. Without neglecting other factors such as the lack of alternatives for young people -Algeciras and La Línea are among the ten cities in Spain with the highest unemployment rate-,

Any future plan for Campo de Gibraltar requires fighting drugs with the necessary resources.

. It is grotesque that the reinforcement troops are limited, as we reported today, to six civil guards. The attitude of the widow of one of the victims to Marlaska, refusing to allow him to place the medal of decoration before the coffin of her husband, confirms the deep indignation generated within the Armed Institute.

The Minister of the Interior, whose dismissal has been requested by the main civil guard associations, is obliged to assume his responsibility

after dissolving the elite anti-drug unit in the Strait of Gibraltar in 2022. And this despite the fact that in Cádiz, according to the Prosecutor's Office, 50% of the hashish and 78% of the cocaine seized in Andalusia were seized that year.

"They put him on a float against a drug boat," denounced the mother of one of the deceased agents. His heartbreaking testimony

It would have to be an incentive not only to impose the law in an area hit by drugs, but also to recover the necessary political unity

, at least, in the face of events so serious that they should be unrelated to partisan diatribes.


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