Esther Mucientes Madrid


Updated Monday, February 12, 2024-08:04

  • MomenTVs Ana Belén's singing that left Jordi Évole speechless

  • TV C. Tangana plays it safe in Lo de Évole: "If someone likes my music, they should never eat a fucking Pans again in their life"

From Henar Álvarez

's visit


Lo de Évole

we could just stay with the anecdotes and it would be more than enough. But having

Henar Álvarez

face to face with

Jordi Évole

was much more than just a 10-year-old boy shouting in the street

"long live Franco!"

and causing the presenter to have a cataplexy attack: "I'm damned if the fucking kid made him laugh before me."

This, which could seem like one more nonsense, even that some believed before the program was broadcast that it was prepared by the


team , put the comical note on a very serious night. "This shouldn't be funny to me," said

Jordi Évole


Henar Álvarez

held him on the verge of suffering one of his famous cataplexies.

"In Ayuso's Madrid you are not going to find your ex, but you will find a child saying long live Franco," Évole concluded. And to another thing butterfly, because it was the only anecdote, the only thing that went off script in a program in which many will have discovered

Henar Álvarez

and in which, others, those who already knew her will have been surprised, especially by her sincerity.

It is difficult to imagine that an


, that a content creator, that a comedian, that a feminist, that a woman with

600,000 followers on Instagram

, that a woman who is paid "a fortune" for putting on the table what she For a long time it was unthinkable to say, he suffers what is not written and, above all, he thinks a lot about what he does and what he says.

In fact, there was a moment during the program, while they were finishing dinner in a random bar on any street in Madrid, that

Jordi Évole had to stop her because it seemed incredible to him that

Henar Álvarez

's head

was thinking everything he was thinking at that moment and everything. what you think at all hours of the day. "This is like a washing machine, it doesn't stop," the comedian told him when


pointed out the constant run-run in his head.

Henar Álvarez

is not usual, he is not like the rest of the influencers. She swears, she sits with her legs open because "there is one thing that I do feel that women can do now that is excessive", being able to show yourself without having to measure how you show yourself because that is what has always been expected of you. women and that is what they have been educated for. And all this leads to humor.

Jordi Évole


that he had never spoken to her, that they did not know her and that the first time he knew anything about her was with the monologue of

La puta de laCLas


"It was like a healing process of mine," he told


. On the porch of my mother's house they wrote to me whore when I was young and what I did was like it hadn't happened. I see it, I know it's for me, but that's it. If I think that someone thinks something bad about me I make myself super small. With age it goes away, but there are times when in times of stress it comes out. And I take that to laugh and make myself strong," he confessed. "I didn't expect you to be like that at all,"

Jordi Évole

snapped . "I didn't want to make you feel sorry for you, but those things make me very sad." Now you understand why he accumulates followers. everywhere, why thousands of women listen to her, why she has become an unusual voice of feminism. Because she says things like this: "I awaken the animal instinct of women who were not allowed to express it."

"If I had been born a man I would be one hell of a piece of shit

. "

Boom! And he says it, and it seems like he doesn't think about it, and when his head stops for a moment (if it stops), he needs to explain himself, but he doesn't correct him, he argues: "No one wants to lose privileges or live worse. I argue a lot with my friends about this."

Feminism is not going to make men's lives better

. Of course not. Yes, you have to start competing with the 50% of the population with whom you did not compete before and on top of that you have to do what you did not do

before, no. is better".

"We are the only social movement that tells the oppressing part that it doesn't worry that everything is going to be fine. It's fucking crazy." Fucking crazy, indeed.


She drops phrases like punches

: about gender struggle, class rage, or female sexuality. And listening to her you understand why she's doing it. If you already like her, you'll like her more. If you don't know her, you'll freak out,"

Jordi Évole

wrote last night in your count of X minutes before the problem started. He who warns is not a traitor.

Henar Álvarez

surprised, "she's fucking crazy," said

Jordi Évole

, but not because of her but because each of her sentences was supported by hundreds of arguments that were very difficult to break. And not only about feminism, about social struggle, about the anger that comes from "that people have things that I don't have and people who have basic needs covered that others don't have, that we call the doctor and we can't go in 15 or 18 days and others who have insurance, pay it and go."

He says it because he believes it because where we see

Henar Álvarez

now , he has earned a fortune, he has done everything. He has unloaded trucks at the Coslada industrial estate, he has been Movistar's letter advertising on the street, he has worked while studying because if he lost his scholarship his mother could not continue paying for his studies and, now, he worries and remembers all that. And now, he worries what her son Otto might think of her when he grows up: "I have to confess, it scares me." "Well, I'm convinced that he's going to be very proud of you,"

Jordi Évole



Because if there is something that identifies

Lo de Évole,

it is that

Jordi Évole

learns with each guest. He doesn't judge, he listens; does not debate, listens; He doesn't interrupt, he listens. With

Henar Álvarez

he was a clear example of this, perhaps because they did not know each other before or, perhaps, because

Henar Álvarez

broke many of his molds.

"It takes very little for a man to be considered an incredible father and, also, it takes very little for a woman to be considered a shitty mother," said

Henar Álvarez

, who ended up closing her X account out of fear, because of the aggressiveness he experienced when his videos were manipulated or every time his podcast was broadcast.

"They judge each of our steps. This happens a lot on the Internet.

Suddenly, you go out and where your son is

. When no one asks them where your son is, why have you gone out," he said. "I think that we uncles are not aware of this permanent judgment that you aunts have," replied

Jordi Évole

. Listen, learn, open your eyes...

And having Henar Álvarez it was impossible for the chochoctora

not to come to the fore

, the section in which Henar Álvarez talks about sex, but about women's sex and which began by chance, without imagining the reaction he was going to have. "The


was born because sexuality has been taken away from us.

Don't you think it's perverse that we have assumed that women fake orgasms?

Isn't a society that has to fake that terrible?"

"They didn't care at all and it was difficult for us to say what we liked because you ran a lot of danger if you said it: you would become the class whore. I did a section in

Legally Blondes

that said that there were women who didn't like it to have her pussy eaten. And suddenly I had a string of comments saying that it wasn't because of that but because men did it wrong. And I said: 'well, let's go there and I made a section on how to eat pussy.'" Henar Álvarez, in its purest form.

Henar Álvarez recalled how she learned sexuality, with magazines like Vale, where "a 200-year-old man wrote a text about how two teenagers fucked." "Now I think about it and

it makes me cringe,

" she admitted, describing some of the advice that could be read in that magazine: "One was that you

trim your pussy hair in the shape of the initial of the boy

with the one you were dating. You read that when you were 12. Then there was another one that was that

you painted your nipples with the same color of lipstick

that you painted your lips with, so that when you took off your bra, which would be the Joker, "it could be seen that you had it painted the same."

To understand the work of

Henar Álvarez

, to understand why


's molds were broken, it is best to stay with the phrase that her grandmother once told her: "Now it is worth being a woman."