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Photo: Patrick Seeger/picture alliance/dpa

After an attack with a corrosive chemical on a 41-year-old in Gummersbach, North Rhine-Westphalia, her former partner was taken into custody.

The 43-year-old was caught after the crime early on Friday morning and then brought before a judge, the police said on Monday. He is said to have knocked down his former partner on a street and doused her with a corrosive liquid.

Suspicion of serious bodily harm

As the investigators in Gummersbach further announced, the woman suffered such serious injuries that she had to be taken to a special hospital. The attack occurred as she was walking to her parked car.

The suspected ex-partner initially fled the scene after a driver started honking loudly. The 43-year-old was later caught in Monheim. He is accused of serious bodily harm.
