Gema García Marcos

Updated Sunday, February 11, 2024-10:56

  • Red carpet Some Goya Stendhal, red and black, carnival, gothic, vampire

Ana Belén

is 72 years old. That is her chronological age, the one that appears on her DNI. Probably, not even Ana Belén herself knows her biological age, which, although it is not reflected in any document, is much more revealing because it informs us about our state of health in general and tells us how the aging process of our cells is going. tissues, organs and systems.

It is enough to observe Ana Belén to know that, in her case, her biological age is far below her chronological age. In other words, as has been said about her entire life, she looks many years younger than she is (a decade?). And not only because of what is obvious, but because of something that 'gives away' the passage of time even more than wrinkles and that is infinitely more important:

our physical and mental agility


At 72 years old, Ana Belén (the repetition of her name in the quote is intentional) not only shows off skin and muscles that many women younger (chronologically) than her would want for themselves, but, as we were able to see, During his appearances at the

2024 Goya Awards

gala , he is in exceptional physical shape.

At this point, and before opinions grow about its unquestionable privileged position to 'take care of yourself' (with 'money' and time it is much easier to train, eat well, have rejuvenating treatments, take nutritional supplements, use the most expensive cosmetics and pointers...), I 'locate' myself at the origin of this article, which is to try to investigate why, at this point, a woman continues to be virulently criticized

for not being 'dressed according to her age'

. To a woman who, by the way, is gorgeous and harder than a rock (because she has been working out in the gym all her life, a fact that I myself have witnessed), but who, even if that were not the case, could wear whatever she wanted. whatever they wanted (she, them and them) without having to suffer the 'invisible' wrath of the virtual stoners.

The fairy tale dress that was made for her by the

Redondo Brand

brand looked 'Goddess level' on Ana Belén . And I, as a fervent believer in the 'miracles' of physical activity, was not only shocked by his arms, firm and sculpted as if the effect of gravity and the loss of collagen and elastin were not with them, but I was amazed. with his 'flow' in the number he dedicated to the great Concha Velasco (another muse of healthy aging that I will venerate forever and ever).

Call me crazy, but I will grow old believing and defending the idea that there is no age to show (or stop showing) your arms. There is no age to wear (or stop wearing) a type of clothing. There is no age to stop having long hair. Or to wear a full swimsuit instead of a bikini. Or to do (or wear) what one wants without being put in trouble for trying to 'act young'.