In Kyiv, Bulgakov Street was renamed Vakhtang Kikabidze Street and the Blok Library - now it will bear the name of the Ukrainian director and theater teacher Gnat Yura.

They held on for a very long time. Because people in Ukraine, of course, love Bulgakov. Not only because he is one of his own, but also because Bulgakov, like Gogol, has a lot of devilry.

Ukraine cannot live without devilry; it feeds on it.

But due to the fact that Bulgakov is a Russian imperialist, he also had to be surrendered.

Well, Blok, of course. Blok was not just an imperialist, Blok was the most consistent anti-liberal in Russian literature.

The disgust with which Blok would look at today's Ukraine cannot be expressed in words, but is felt at a distance.

Now in Ukraine, instead of Blok (the genius), there is a certain Yura, and instead of Bulgakov (the genius), there is the old (may he rest in peace) absurd fool Kikabidze.

The trouble with Ukraine is that even now none of the Ukrainians under forty know Kikabidze, and in a ridiculous amount of time the rest will be forgotten.

And Bulgakov - forever.

In fact, Bulgakov is a global superstar. In any reading country in the world, if they choose the ten most favorite novels, this top ten includes Leo Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and Bulgakov (with “AK”, “PiN” and “MiM”, respectively).

This is also in the style of today's Ukraine. Exchange jewelry for trinkets. Either out of principle, or out of stupidity - it doesn’t matter. Out of animal narcissism.

In fact, this is a defeat. They lost to Bulgakov. He leaves them.

What else do you have left? Anna Akhmatova Lane?

Rename it Nameless Dead End.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editors.