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Study center of the Hessian financial administration in Rotenburg

Photo: SZROF

The incident is said to have occurred on January 23rd, during a party for the current graduating class at the “Financial Administration and Justice Study Center” in Rotenburg an der Fulda. A group of revelers are said to have shouted right-wing extremist slogans such as “Germany for the Germans” and “Foreigners out” to a pop song. Around 100 people are said to have celebrated in the “Beatkeller” of the university of applied sciences. All of them were students and trainees at this central training center for the financial administration of the state of Hesse, i.e. primarily prospective tax officials or legal officers. The university management explains that guests from outside were not allowed to attend the celebration.

Graduates of the final year, who are being trained in Rotenburg for senior civil service careers, report on the right-wing extremist attacks at the event. However, they do not want to give their names publicly, "for their own safety," they say. Students with a migration background are unsettled and intimidated by the events.

When asked by SPIEGEL, the management of the university confirmed that several students informed them about the incident a few days after the celebration. “The study center then immediately informed the responsible police authorities about the suspicion,” says a statement from the university of applied sciences. According to SPIEGEL information, state security officials have begun investigations, but have not yet been able to identify any specific suspects.

“The slogans could be clearly heard”

There is also no reliable information yet about the size of the group that is said to have taken part in the singing. Students who informed SPIEGEL and other media about the allegations speak of a “larger group.” The slogans “could be heard clearly in the large crowd.” The university management, on the other hand, apparently does not assume that large parts of those present sang along: As things stand, it can be ruled out that it was a collective event, the director of the study center, Karl Jennemann, was quoted as saying in a statement.

But even if only a few people were involved, such an event cannot be tolerated, according to the Hessian financial administration: "If the suspicions against individual employees are confirmed, the administration will respond immediately and consistently with measures under service law," announced the Hessian Finance Minister Alexander Lorz (CDU) in a written statement. “The financial administration’s unrestricted solidarity goes out to the students who are said to be the target of the xenophobic statements being made,” said Lorz.