Don’t wear the wrong elastic stockings for varicose veins

Doctors remind that elastic stockings only have a certain effect in the early stages of the disease

  Changsha Evening News, February 7 (All Media Reporter Xu Yuan Correspondent Yi Ting) Ms. Wang stands for a long time at work. She heard that wearing elastic stockings can alleviate leg diseases such as varicose veins. She bought elastic stockings online and wore them for a while. , but caused swelling of the lower limbs and itchy skin. After an inspection at the General Surgery Department of Hunan Women and Children's Hospital, the doctor reminded that elastic stockings are not suitable for everyone, and incorrect use can also cause health hazards.

  Liu Fan, director and deputy chief physician of the General Surgery Department of Hunan Women and Children's Hospital, said that long-term wearing of medical elastic stockings can effectively reduce venous blood stasis in the distal limbs. Under normal circumstances, wearing elastic stockings is useful for varicose veins, but usually only when the disease In the early stage, that is, stage 1 patients, only if they insist on wearing elastic stockings for a long time can they have a certain effect on the treatment of varicose veins. "Elastic stockings are not suitable for everyone. For example, patients with moderate to severe arteriosclerosis are not recommended to wear them and should be used with caution under the guidance of a specialist; people with ulcers and infections are not recommended to wear them; the skin is allergic to silicone, or the skin is allergic to elastic. People who are allergic to stocking materials are not recommended to wear them." Liu Fan reminded that wearing elastic stockings cannot fundamentally treat varicose veins. Severe varicose veins require professional treatment in the hospital. Elastic stockings are only a means to assist in delaying the development of the disease.

  Varicose veins in the lower limbs are mainly caused by standing or sitting for a long time, or congenitally fragile vein walls and imperfect venous valve function, which leads to poor blood flow in the veins and increased intravenous pressure, which in turn causes the distortion and expansion of the veins. Although there are congenital factors for varicose veins, the more common causes are acquired living habits and work behaviors, such as standing for long periods of time and high-intensity and high-load physical labor. Therefore, in daily life, we should avoid standing and sitting for long periods of time, pay attention to raising the lower limbs to rest, and if necessary, massage the legs and strengthen the activities of the lower limbs to promote blood return.

  Before purchasing compression stockings, patients with varicose veins should accurately measure themselves to choose the appropriate strength and length. In terms of intensity, according to the size of the pressure, there are low-pressure prevention type, first-level medium-pressure treatment type, second-level high-pressure treatment type, and third-level high-pressure treatment type. The low-pressure preventive type is suitable for daily health care of bedridden patients and people with a high risk of varicose veins and thrombosis; the first-level medium-pressure treatment type is suitable for the prevention and treatment of superficial varicose veins and thrombosis; the second-level and third-level high-pressure treatment types are suitable for post-surgical large and small saphenous vein stripping, vein After sclerotherapy of varicose veins, post-deep vein thrombosis syndrome of the lower limbs, and severe varicose veins of the lower limbs, etc.

  In terms of length, short socks should be 3.3 cm below the knee, and long socks should be 3.3 cm below the groin. If the elderly's legs change in size throughout the day, such as those with edema, they need to measure them at least once a day to see if they need larger elastic stockings. Generally, if the diameter of the leg increases by 5 cm, the pressure of elastic stockings should be increased by 2 times.