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Video duration 06 minutes 03 seconds 06:03

The impact of the rockets launched by the Palestinian resistance on Israeli cities did not stop at inflicting economic losses on Tel Aviv that exceeded 60 billion dollars only, but they also hit the confidence of investors and tourists in Israel.

Although some describe the resistance missiles as “fireworks,” these games have turned Israel into an economically troubled country, in addition to the fact that a $500 missile costs $60,000 to shoot down, says the economics editor of the Al Jazeera Net website, Muhammad Afzaz.

According to the movie "Blind Spot" prepared by Al Jazeera Net, these missiles dealt painful blows to multiple sectors inside Israel, including agriculture, tourism, technology, industry, and aviation.

Israel lost $60 billion during the first three months of its current war on the Gaza Strip, which is equivalent to 10% of its annual gross domestic product.

According to Afzaz, Israel seeks to destroy the infrastructure in the Gaza Strip, restrict its population, and push them towards immigration, which makes the Gazans more attached to their land.

The natural gas wealth found under the shores of Gaza represents one of the main incentives that push Israel to destroy the Strip and seek to control its wealth.

The exorbitant expenses incurred by Israel during the past months of the war in order to eliminate the Palestinian resistance reflect the real danger the latter represents to it.

Source: Al Jazeera