Roger Waters is a legend of rock music for many generations. He is the co-founder of the Pink Floyd group, which literally everyone still listens to: both gray-haired retired hippies and advanced young people.

But what suddenly happens is that now literally everything Waters says and sings is anti-Semitism, fascism and support for Putin.

He also gave an interview to RT! And this is generally a collapse of the foundations of Western democracy and freedom of speech. This is how the Western machine works to brainwash and block inconvenient opinions.

As Gorky wrote, “untimely thoughts.” The Germans are especially upset: no one should express support for Palestine, even if you are one of the most popular and honored musicians in the world. And these people will do everything to destroy his career. The German concern BMG refused to re-release “The Far Side of the Moon,” on which the company has been fattening for decades (there are only three groups whose re-release the industry lives on: The Beatles, Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin). They are even ready to shoot themselves in the foot just to annoy Waters.

Pink Floyd created an entire universe, and Roger Waters is its cornerstone. He took the group from pure art like The Dark Side of the Moon (40 million copies sold) to a philosophical reflection on British involvement in World War II, The Wall. The album as a concept became a kind of hymn to pacifism and resistance to totalitarianism. It's no coincidence that when the Berlin Wall fell, it was Waters who organized the biggest rock concert in history - and it was, of course, called "The Wall." A hymn, so to speak, to freedom.

And Waters is a 100% leftist from the real leftists of the old school - those who do not run around with placards for the climate with Soros's money *, but challenge the System.

His father was a Christian and a communist, and also a pacifist. But when the Germans began bombing London, my father put pacifism aside and went to the front, where he was killed in 1944. This is all evident in Alan Parker's film The Wall. And Roger grew up with this innate anti-fascism and always promoted this idea with all his work and life. At the age of 15, he led the campaign for nuclear disarmament at an Oxford school.

But here’s the problem: honest and incorruptible (try buying one of the most successful rock musicians in the world!), smelling the falsehood of politicians and the media a mile away, Waters found himself at odds with the entire current leftist agenda, sent straight from Biden-Washington.

He was always, like a leftist, pro-Palestinian and did not honor the State of Israel (we are talking about times when the fraudulent substitution of concepts had not yet occurred and the State of Israel was not identical to the Jewish people).

And now the world has gone crazy and the greens are shouting that Germany (yes, the same Germany that miraculously did not receive an atomic bomb to wipe out everyone around) needs atomic missiles near Berlin. And the staunch anti-fascist of the old school, Waters, is not only being seriously accused of anti-Semitism - he is also being sued for his concert costumes (with Schmeisser), which “glorify Nazism.” They are all really sick - they position themselves as liberals and anti-fascists, but with their own hands they are building a natural dictatorship. They simply show how the current left has completely abandoned the ideals of the past, which Waters represents.

To the gallery page

And now even the famous flying pigs at the concert, which everyone applauded for about 30 years, are (attention!) an “anti-Semitic attack.”

And then Russia comes.

“I am sure that Roger Waters can continue to work on new works in Russia, among friends and true admirers of the musician’s talent,” says Igor Mikryukov, ex-director of the Russian branch of the international corporation BMG, in an interview.

And what? This is a good idea.

* The Open Society Foundation is an organization whose activities are recognized as undesirable on the territory of the Russian Federation by decision of the Prosecutor General’s Office dated November 26, 2015.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editors.